mapPING data using the latest groundwater geophysics AND hydrogeophysics technology


Dams, Canals and Reservoirs

Dams leak!—  Only some of the leaks require investigation and remediation. When they do, then finding the pathway of the leak becomes an expensive and slow process, often characterized by “trial and error” wells that further impair the integrity of the structure. If only we could strip off the top 500 feet of sediment or drain the water-bearing structure it should be easy to know the precise location of remediation efforts. But of course it is not simple or cost viable to take either action. A much better alternative is to collect specialized data with highly sensitive instruments along all relevant points, map the data using the latest groundwater geophysics technology or hydrogeophysics technology, create 3D models of the subsurface including the flow path of the leak in question, and finally use proprietary software filters and algorithms to predict ongoing effects of the water problem. This modern non-invasive solution is similar to the means a radiologist might use to look inside a human body to better understand what is taking place before undergoing a surgery.

Proven technology — Willowstick utilizes technology that has proven effective in geology, biomagnetics, military, and other scientific fields for over 30 years. Willowstick has been perfecting this technology as it applies to geophysics for the past 12 years. We are often able to use breakthroughs in magnetic instrument technology as a roadmap to guide our research and development in geophysical applications

Quick — Willowstick investigations take days, not weeks or months. We can show preliminary results within a few days of arriving on site. Rapid feedback and model creation enable our teams in the field to iterate their data gathering and mapping based on the preliminary results our analysts are seeing in the data.

Non-intrusive — Nearly all Willowstick investigations are performed using existing wells or piezometers. There is no need for expensive and time-consuming drilling. We can see the pathways beneath your feet by energizing between the reservoir and the seep. Many of the patterns we identify are so clear that customers use them as the ongoing map of their as-built structure

Full Pathway — Willowstick shows you the full pathway of water exiting a dam. We energize the water from the reservoir to the leak below the dam. This allows us to measure and map the individual pathways of water. We identify and show you in plan and elevation, in 2D and 3D, the individual pathways.

Tailored — The fieldwork we perform today can be shown to our clients tomorrow giving them near real-time insight into the health of their dam. This rapid sharing of information allows us to tailor and modify our investigation, if needed, while we are still onsite. Willowstick allows dam owners and operators to quickly make decisions based on intelligence rather than guesses.

Monitoring — Another benefit of a Willowstick investigation is to observe and evaluate changes over time using our Willowstick Compare™ capability. In much the same way that a dentist compares current x-rays with earlier ones, our clients are comparing the results of their current Willowstick investigation with earlier results to gauge the effectiveness of their remedial works, categorize the level of concern, and determine the level of risk facing the owner or the regulator of the dam, reservoir, or canal. Performing these investigations at regular intervals allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the health of the dam than has previously been possible.

Wide range of effectiveness — Dams that are built on karst, fractured rock or otherwise complex geology make it even more difficult to map the water pathways. These structures represent ideal conditions for Willowstick since their water paths are highly conductive and the rock acts as an insulator thus providing excellent contrast for our electric current.

Reduce costs — By knowing the location and elevation of a leak our clients are able to accurately scope their remediation works. Instead of guessing they are able to target their repairs. This leads to savings of both time and money.

Reliable — We have been performing Willowstick investigations for more than 10 years. Over 75% of our business comes from repeat customers. Our clients are continually monitoring the accuracy of our models and predictions and continue to use us again and again.